Happiness Obsession. Are We Chasing The Wrong Rabbit?

April 27, 2023

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For a long time, I’ve been chasing happiness like crazy. Reading books, taking courses, and even got a Happiness Coach certification 😅

I was under the illusion that happiness is the be-all and end-all of life. Aren’t we convinced that happy people live longer, earn more money, and have a better relationships?

I don’t think they are lying. But they might be asking these “happy” people the wrong questions. I think they need to dig deeper, much deeper.

“The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself”. — Tony Robbins

In my opinion “happiness” is:

  • too shallow unless grounded in values or meaning
  • too easy to be manipulated by the consumption and pleasure-seeking society

So I kept on digging looking for an answer — what would a life worth living look like? 8 years of reading through 1000+ books and other material, as well as deep self-exploration, led me to believe that these are three key elements of a great life.

Live daily in alignment with your values

When you understand your unique values and live by them, regardless of your external achievements you will feel deep satisfaction and meaning.

This feels like I live an authentic life / my own life

Fill life with joy

When you bring joy & fun into every aspect of your life — work, play and people — many things become easier to endure or simply enjoyable and to be looked forward to.

This feels like I live a joyful life.

Embrace adversities as growth opportunities

When you accept every aspect, every event, and every person in your life such as something to learn and grow from, you no longer hide or run away from your most desired dreams.

This feels like I live life fully.

This is a work-in-progress. So it would be great to connect with other people who are interested in the exploration of this topic. If any of the above resonates, feel free to reach out!

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